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Manletism An idea: could mass immigration be a good thing for Nordic inkies? (and the reason I'm not seeing that many Nordics posting on inkie forums)


Dedicated Lookist
OG Looks Theory Member
PSL Lord
Aug 19, 2024
Let's say for the sake of this discussion you don't care about getting your country destroyed or spawning some less chinky, more mystery meat ER into the world, and you're okay with having some parts of your city secluded/off limits (ghettos for the shitskins)

I don't think it has anything to do w being a rather small % of the global population (as I've seen a rather decent amount of men from my country, a place that makes up even less % of the global poulation, complaining about the same things online), nor is it any sort of gender imbalance issue or aynthing like that, but rather more so that many of these Nordic would-be inkies capitalize on the influx of shitskin immigration and just slay ethnic pussy once they're desperate enough

I know what you're thinking, what about fresh off the boat niggers and their mystery meat counterparts that don't really have papers there? Most would be male and rapemaxxing or something like that. Sweden's population is estimated to be around 10.5 mil, with almost 1 in 4 residents having a foreign background (yes, you read that right, so the pure native swedes are hovering around 7.8mil, with a slight bias towards females, since most foreigners tend to be men). Keeping in mind that the % of men being incel above 25 is ~1% (search it up, I can't be arsed to link it), doing a quick calculation the rough percentage of Nordic inkies would hover at 40k people (give or take), which is slightly below the number of female immigrants with papers (46k)

If you're a vindictive son of a bitch you also get to enjoy some sort of Schadenfreude effect from seeing the same foids that once rejected you getting raped by shitskins

@itsallaboutpersonality @TödesFlug
Of course, this implies that the bottom 1% of Nordics is still higher up on the totem pole than the average ethnic coming into their country (which honestly isn't that hard to believe, especially when you consider that many of them are ex cons, "sex offenders" and other scourges)

Do you think its because nordics generally tend to look better? (why theyre underrepresented on inkwell sites)
I can't tell if I'm off my rocker or this might be legit

I would imagine they look overall better, not just height wise. Sexual selection probably weeded out those with an unattractive (or honestly just "mid") appearance, but it was harder to capture in studies at the time, as opposed to an arbitrary number that's easy to record

The numbers match up fairly well... imagine being Boris Littendick, you're growing up in a garbage feminist environment surrounded by 6'+ Ljundchads and Agnestacies and you're forced to watch them all pair up while you sit at home for the 10000th night a row beating your meat in the dark, alone. Then something rather (un)expected happens: the official board for tourism lobbies to open up the borders. You're originally disgusted by this idea, but you quickly change your mind once you see your new student, Talia, the arab girl, who compliments your eyes and invites you home to "hang out". Your 5'7 height and meh looking face are already within above average standards back where she came from, and she just dismisses your insecure remarks as "jokes"

I would suggest going er tbh
I would suggest sucking nigger cock, dumbass
The numbers match up fairly well... imagine being Boris Littendick, you're growing up in a garbage feminist environment surrounded by 6'+ Ljundchads and Agnestacies and you're forced to watch them all pair up while you sit at home for the 10000th night a row beating your meat in the dark, alone. Then something rather (un)expected happens: the official board for tourism lobbies to open up the borders. You're originally disgusted by this idea, but you quickly change your mind once you see your new student, Talia, the arab girl, who compliments your eyes and invites you home to "hang out". Your 5'7 height and meh looking face are already within above average standards back where she came from, and she just dismisses your insecure remarks as "jokes"
Hard to relate to it since ive never experienced it. But thinking about it, if i have to choose between a foid who is just ok with me or one who worships me (and doesnt use sex as a tool), id almost always go with the latter.
Hard to relate to it since ive never experienced it. But thinking about it, if i have to choose between a foid who is just ok with me or one who worships me (and doesnt use sex as a tool), id almost always go with the latter.
The imaginary example I've given doesn't have a choice, it's either his right hand or the sand foid (who already views him as a good option)

The numbers though seem to match up, so maybe it's not necessarily as imaginary as I thought

Imagine fucking some decent looking ethnic foid while the stuck up bitches that rejected you before & potentially bullied you are now getting raped by random pakis and sandniggers. Would be a lifefuel scenario
I really would like some (preferably blackpilled) Nordic to chime in and refute or validate my idea

I know there's ethnics living there but I suspect they're segregated from the natives
Do you think its because nordics generally tend to look better? (why theyre underrepresented on inkwell sites)
The thing about attractiveness is that it's relative (to what foids have access to). Since Swedistan (and many other Nordic countries) have an immigration problem, I'd imagine the ethnic foids coming in are lower in SMV compared to the natives and thus have less options. So even a bottom of the barrel native is already seen like a good option to them, which would effectively (and temporarily) alleviate the inceldom problem that would otherwise be present there
The thing about attractiveness is that it's relative (to what foids have access to). Since Swedistan (and many other Nordic countries) have an immigration problem, I'd imagine the ethnic foids coming in are lower in SMV compared to the natives and thus have less options. So even a bottom of the barrel native is already seen like a good option to them, which would effectively (and temporarily) alleviate the inceldom problem that would otherwise be present there
Thats why i think immigration is a net benefit for incel-tier native men. You could argue both ways, SFcels will argue ethnic men are stealing their women. But like you said, ethnic foids who immigrate to foreign countries experience a sudden and shocking plummet in their SMVs. I remember seeing this when i was in the US. The Indian foids there were downright invisible to men, made them humble and grounded as opposed to their smelly counterparts here.

For ethnic men, there is no sudden plummet as their SMVs were low in the first place.
Thats why i think immigration is a net benefit for incel-tier native men. You could argue both ways, SFcels will argue ethnic men are stealing their women. But like you said, ethnic foids who immigrate to foreign countries experience a sudden and shocking plummet in their SMVs. I remember seeing this when i was in the US. The Indian foids there were downright invisible to men, made them humble and grounded as opposed to their smelly counterparts here.

For ethnic men, there is no sudden plummet as their SMVs were low in the first place.
If by stealing their women you mean raping them, I guess you're right. But why would SFcels care if the bitches that rejected them in the 1st place get raped?

Maybe the SFcels had it backwards, I mean they're no strangers to racemixxing anyways since their favorite foids are ethnic (asian) to begin with. Mass immigration would probably be a net positive for them
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