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Suicide Fuel "Ethnic women have it harder" response to you-know-who


Staff member
Head Administrator/Owner
OG Looks Theory Member
PSL Lord
Aug 18, 2024
This is what it's like being a blackcel:
  1. Entire groups dedicated to hating black men and even murdering them
  2. Entire websites dedicated to hating black men
  3. Constantly accused of trying to "steal white women"
  4. Race mixing is only bad when it's a black man
  5. Seen as low IQ and dumb. I've had retards on forums act genuinely surprised when they find out I'm black
  6. Hated just for existing
  7. "Just thugmaxx bro!"
  8. "Blacks can't be incel"
  9. Abusive parents
  10. Usually gets more hostility and hatred than any other race from women
  11. No emotional or mental support
  12. Virtually all sides of the political spectrum hate us
  13. Our own women reject us for other races out of spite
  14. Indians hate dark skin
But what about muh BBC bro
Ive never gotten the point of that, black women from what I have observed seem to hate Black Men now esecially on twitter and reddit.
That's because they racemix with European women lol

Foid behavior, always playing the victim when they're the ones hating on men whenever they get the chance to do so
The worst part Is Even other Incels hate and look down on blacks even though some of the highest IQ Incels were Black like BlackPillpres and GeckoBus, FaceLSM. Your opinion will be discredited just because you're black.

You can't even fit in you're own race also, Black Incels are Outsiders among Outsiders.
This is what it's like being a blackcel:
  1. Entire groups dedicated to hating black men and even murdering them
  2. Entire websites dedicated to hating black men
  3. Constantly accused of trying to "steal white women"
  4. Race mixing is only bad when it's a black man
  5. Seen as low IQ and dumb. I've had retards on forums act genuinely surprised when they find out I'm black
  6. Hated just for existing
  7. "Just thugmaxx bro!"
  8. "Blacks can't be incel"
  9. Abusive parents
  10. Usually gets more hostility and hatred than any other race from women
  11. No emotional or mental support
  12. Virtually all sides of the political spectrum hate us
  13. Our own women reject us for other races out of spite
  14. Indians hate dark skin
Most blackcels don' share your life experience, most of them got rejected by some white girl and decided they are incels.
But when it comes to ethnic femcels we are rejected by our own race.
Also theres entire websites dedicated to hating indian women too

Foid behavior, always playing the victim when they're the ones hating on men whenever they get the chance to do so
how are black women playing victim card when they get told they are ugly by black men all the time
lets be real when blackcels / currycels refer to incledom they mean that they can't get a white women
i wanna fuck you
you are not incel anymore
I've never claimed to be an Incel. As I’ve stated before on BlackPill Club, I’m a failed normie who got asked out by 2 foids once at the beach with that being my only social interaction with a foid within the past couple of years during that time period.

And also "MGTOW Philosophy Believer"
I've never claimed to be an Incel. As I’ve stated before on BlackPill Club, I’m a failed normie who got asked out by 2 foids once at the beach with that being my only social interaction with a foid within the past couple of years during that time period.

And also "MGTOW Philosophy Believer"
how old were you and what did they say
I was 14 at the time, Two foids approached me. One Dark-skinned Black, the other a Latina, both your typical Beckys for their race. From what I recall, They wanted to get my number and go out with me. My mom walked over and then proceeds cock blocked because of her being an Age Cuck since they were older than me.

Looking back, I figure it might have had to do with me being a light-skinned Black guy who could pass as Mexican, Latino, or mixed.
I was 14 at the time, Two foids approached me. One Dark-skinned Black, the other a Latina, both your typical Beckys for their race. From what I recall, They wanted to get my number and go out with me. My mom walked over and then proceeds cock blocked because of her being an Age Cuck since they were older than me.

Looking back, I figure it might have had to do with me being a light-skinned Black guy who could pass as Mexican, Latino, or mixed.
how did she cock block?
Result of decades long colonization sadly

Skin "whitening" creams are a multi-billion business over there
The reverse would also be true, if wypipo are walking Gods then blacks would be demons sent form Hell to ravage the land

@AsianBossLT possible lore?

It's your destiny to restore karmic balance and punish those normies
how did she cock block?
Because of the Age Difference, she intervened and talked about Age Difference with being older, With her not being comfortable with me being In a relationship because I'm just a "Child". Also, maybe I shouldn't say "cock blocked", I'll just say She prevented me from going out with a foid and getting their number. While talking to them about it she pretty much told me to fuck off and go back to swimming.

This was when I was Red Pilled.
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