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there is no such thing as building skills. everything is innate.


Feb 16, 2025
competition being natural, inevitable, and desirable is a bluepill cope, its as big of a lie as the 'equality' myth

most of the factors that determine natural selection in nature doesn't really have anything to do with so-called competition as we think of it. If a species of bug is less likely to go extinct because its natural coloring makes it harder to detect Vs other similar bugs, that doesn't have anything to do with the luckier bugs being more 'competitive'. Likewise, giraffes that can reach taller branches because they're born with longer necks didn't have to be more competitive. Nor do peacocks that have naturally flashier colors have to out-compete their less attractive counterparts.

What the garbage about competition fails to understand is that inequality is inherent. It's not the byproduct of anything that you do. You're just born with certain immutable traits that influence your chances of survival and success. The 5ft tall manlet with 3/10 face and 93 IQ is not 'competing' with the 6.4ft tall 9/10 chad with 130+ IQ. There was never any scenario where he had a chance of winning because nature had already selected for him to fail via his shitty traits.

The most common argument is that most people are too worthless to create things of value without a profit or sexual motive, but Most normies will always be dogshit regardless of the social system, so this isn't even really an argument. you can't incentivise a 90 IQ hick to be as talalnted as a 150 IQ scientist.
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