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Have you seen an animal being slaughtered irl

but what's the point of having a high moral position, as incels you will be seen as the lowest of the low regardless

chad is vegan = wow omg he's so caring, thoughtful and emphatic to never eat or harm animals

incel is vegan = lmao man up it's just a part of life cry baby
Do you look at every part of your life exclusively through the lens of "will it get my dick wet"?
but what's the point of having a high moral position, as incels you will be seen as the lowest of the low regardless

chad is vegan = wow omg he's so caring, thoughtful and emphatic to never eat or harm animals

incel is vegan = lmao man up it's just a part of life cry baby
You already have a high moral position when you make threads whining about children that are bullied or soyed by their parents with a vegan diet. You're already selectively cucked when it comes to morality. You have no high ground in morality, or immorality; you're cucked both ways.
You already have a high moral position when you make threads whining about children that are bullied or soyed by their parents with a vegan diet. You're already selectively cucked when it comes to morality. You have no high ground in morality, or immorality; you're cucked both ways.
it doesn't matter, i'll be a niggER either way
what ru talking about? i never complained about this lmao, i did complain about kids being forced to be vegans though
Yes you did. You remember damn well you made some thread whining about bullying and I called you out. Don't be a dirty bitch and pretend like it never happened and make me go on a quest to find the thread.
Yes you did. You remember damn well you made some thread whining about bullying and I called you out. Don't be a dirty bitch and pretend like it never happened and make me go on a quest to find the thread.
i'm not trying to be disingenuous i just actually don't know what your talking about
i'm not trying to be disingenuous i just actually don't know what your talking about
Regardless, you still have claimed to have empathy for humans and you have evidenced it, so you have no authority in your attempt at edginess. "Look at me, it's over, no point in treating animals good, I'm done either way, kill all dogs." Yet you're not consistent because you're a little bitch when it comes to humans, so you're just the average edgy it's not a phase kind of teenager.
Regardless, you still have claimed to have empathy for humans and you have evidenced it, so you have no authority in your attempt at edginess. "Look at me, it's over, no point in treating animals good, I'm done either way, kill all dogs." Yet you're not consistent because you're a little bitch when it comes to humans, so you're just the average edgy it's not a phase kind of teenager.
but i always tell you that i'm not trying to be edgy, i never denied not having empathy for humans i even said it my self, but since we're on the topic of edgy teenagers, i've also brought up the fact that most edgelords are okay with everything but when animals come into the equation suddenly it's the end of the world
but i always tell you that i'm not trying to be edgy, i never denied not having empathy for humans i even said it my self, but since we're on the topic of edgy teenagers, i've also brought up the fact that most edgelords are okay with everything but when animals come into the equation suddenly it's the end of the world
Not true, as evidenced by you. Many of these sorts of teenages are cruel to animals. You're not special on that. You have no reason to feel empathy for humans but you do anyway because you are stupid.
Not true, as evidenced by you. Many of these sorts of teenages are cruel to animals. You're not special on that. You have no reason to feel empathy for humans but you do anyway because you are stupid.
copium, these forums are filled with edgelords are almost all are animal lovers
I do every year for Eid, we behead a sheep, last year I beheaded the sheep myself 🤩 (with the help of my unc ofc) @Levicel thots? Do yall also do it in Arabia?
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