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I Wonder If I'm Actually an HTN or Chad in Personality


𝔖𝔩𝔞𝔭𝔙𝔢𝔤𝔞🌹 📡RampageTV ♢ 1%
Staff member
PSL Noble
Aug 18, 2024
Despite being rejected dozens of times that I lost all count, there was some genuine romantic interest from women. I have been on a couple of dozen dates, but the relationships went nowhere after a few meetings. My dates either legitimately got mentally/physically sick (some were mentally ill) or "mysteriously" disappeared. The majority of the women that flirted with me, wanted me to pursue them more aggressively, but I chose not to. My social anxiety was chronic in 2019 and 2020. One of the few years that I could've had a short term or long-term relationship with a woman.

I believe the real reason why women shown interest in me several years ago was because I worked out religiously during that time period. I remember one time in the psych ward back in 2019, a nurse accompanied by a very young, HTB nurse student opened the door to my room without my consent. I was in the middle of getting dressed and I was shirtless. The young woman's eyes became round, and she gave a huge smile after looking at me. I guess she liked what she saw. I was big, ripped and tanned. The woman knocked on my door 5 minutes later and asked me if I needed anything from her while twirling some hair with her finger. She was giggling and smiling the whole time. I rarely get that much attention from women. I guess working out combined with my psychopathic stare can make some girl's vagina out there twitch.

My psychologist from 5 years ago told me I was normal looking after I asked him to rate my looks. I don't think I look like a Chad, but he could've said that statement to piss me off. Who knows. Maybe he was just being honest with me. I did tell him I had a few women interested in me. Maybe he got tired of me talking about my girl problems. I eventually told him a few Blackpill facts, and he suggested that I challenge those Blackpill beliefs if I ever want to have success with women. He told me to sit on a public bench and it's guaranteed that I will see all different looking types of men paired up with women. Men of all different shapes and sizes. I also remember my childhood friend asking me how it felt that I looked like no one out there. That guy was mean to me at times, but that was his personality. I guess at the end of the day, the only opinion that matters are my own.
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What's your slay count
Very little. I had dozens of paid sex with escorts just to let you know how pathetic I am. I came close to having free sex multiple times. There is most definitely something mentally wrong with me.
jfl at trying to blackpill your therapist
What “facts” did you spew at him
I told him that women are hedonistic in nature and are only interested in dating attractive/rich men. 30% of men between the ages of 18 and 35 in North America consider themselves incels etc... He just rolled his eyes at me and boastfully laughed at those blackpill theories.
Very little. I had dozens of paid sex with escorts just to let you know how pathetic I am. I came close to having free sex multiple times. There is most definitely something mentally wrong with me.
There's nothing wrong with paying for sex

I'm talking about outside of escortcelling
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