Youre bloated, boneless, and you lack angularity. Plus youre Non NT. The problem isnt your hairline. Youve got a lower third that fucks up your facial thirds. Essentially, your lower third of the face is shorter in comparison to the other two thirds. This imbalance makes you think that your hairline is the issue which isnt the case. A hair transplant would fuck you up because your other two thirds of the face are actually ideal. So dont get a hair transplant. Learn about the basics of facial harmony and ratios before you dive into any surgery. Youre only 16 theres some potential especially with that decent eye area and symmetrical face. Get as lean as possible to improve your angularity. Hit the gym, train your neck, softmaxx, and eat healthy. You need to be intimidating because sorry but you look like a prepubescent nigger gremlin with that baby face. Maybe hop on roids, take test and HGH because youre still in puberty, this will definitely give your face some bones and will make you taller. Your nose might be a little bit too wide but it isnt really an issue. What you need are darker and thicker brows because yours are barely visible and that makes you look like an abused dog. Overall focus on softmaxxing first. Get as lean as possible. Try making your eyebrows thicker using topical minox, hit the gym, and maybe consider roids.