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my mom thinks i'm gay cause i don't wanna be a female friend cuck

she didn't say i'm gay outright but she basically implied it, this stems from two conversations i had with her where she mentioned that why i have no female friends or don't talk to girls, and in response i told her "what if the girls are the ones who don't like me" i can't remember what she said exactly but she basically implied that my standards were too high and i was probably referring to girls out of my league, jfl it's funny how i am immediately seen as the problem and not them, but yea she always goes on about how i need to to have female friends and hang out with girls, yea bro just be a orbiter friendzone cuck bro if you don't your gay bro
ive had a female friend and was a beta orbiter with my oneitis females cant hold a convo and whenver i give obvious advice they dont listen so thats why i dont engage with them
men and women can't be friends

either your mom thinks you are chad without any side-chick
or you are a pathetic spineless sub5 simp who doesn't orbit any foid

talk to her again and tell her to clear that up
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