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message to animal lovers/why do vegans get so much hate?

It isn't since we're comparing grown human vs animal empathy and self-awareness
There are also humans who want to kill you simply because you are a different skin color or religion. Would you have them killed and eat their flesh? Iam guessing you wouldnt.
Another false equivalence from your part bruh

You think we kill animals because of their "skin color"? Jfl
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Few human tribes were in fact cannibals. Modern humans arent and for good reason. You're just arguing semantics without having consistent standards that can apply across all animals (of which humans are one species)

Exceptions don't disprove the rule

You're gonna have an exception for almost everything, but that doesn't make it right
Like i said already, if i show you humans that dont have intelligence, would that be suffice to have them be killed and eaten?
Stop comparing humans to animals lmao

Go read about the mirror test. None of the livestock animals displayed any form of sufficient self-awareness
Also theres no reason different in emotions and sentience between livestock and non livestock animals. I suggest you do your research
Thought we were arguing about being a meat eater?

Can you provide sources that prove that livestock animals are fully self-aware?
It will, albeit in a small way.
Elaborate on what you mean by "small way"
Regardless, its based on my moral standards.
So you're just doing it for muh "morality"

There's no way you were a vegan during puberty
your argument that if you eat meat, you might as well torture animals while you're at is extremely retarded and low IQ.
that's not what i said, i'm not saying you should torture them if you eat meat, just don't complain when they are if you do, this is why i said "you can't have your cake and eat it too" you can't go around saying you love animals and think those who don't are evil yet you literally eat multiple animals on a daily basis

Exceptions don't disprove the rule

You're gonna have an exception for almost everything, but that doesn't make it right
Youre confusing what people do with what is right. Just because the majority of people do something doesnt make it right. You said humans arent cannibals and i pointed out some tribes in human history were.
Stop comparing humans to animals lmao
Humans are animals too JFL
Go read about the mirror test. None of the livestock animals displayed any form of sufficient self-awareness
Very few animals pass the mirror test and yet you're not in support of cats and dogs being eaten.

Conclusively self-aware​
Humans, chimpanzees, orangutans​

Only these 3 species are conclusively self-aware according to the mirror test.

The test for whether a life is valuable or not shouldnt be based on self-awareness but sentience.

Thought we were arguing about being a meat eater?
Can you provide sources that prove that livestock animals are fully self-aware?
Neither are cats and dogs lol.
Elaborate on what you mean by "small way"
If i dont consume meat/dairy, then i reduce the demand (in a small way) and since supply and demand are correlated, to that extent animal suffering would be reduced.
So you're just doing it for muh "morality"
Morality/ethical reasons and longevity
There's no way you were a vegan during puberty
I was vegetarian before and vegan now for 3 years. All my bio markers are betetr now after i turned vegan.
that's not what i said, i'm not saying you should torture them if you eat meat, just don't complain when they are if you do, this is why i said "you can't have your cake and eat it too" you can't go around saying you love animals and think those who don't are evil yet you literally eat multiple animals on a daily basis
Nope. Theres still a difference between first and second hand torture.
You have any arguments in order to make the case for meat eaters? Your Islamic and i reckon you have been culturally raised to eat meat. Its not like you woke up one day and decided you'd do it for any specific reason.
also disagree on this, no child on earth is born a vegan or vegetarian, we crave meat at birth, put meat and vegetables infront of any baby and it will almost always pick the meat
also disagree on this, no child on earth is born a vegan or vegetarian, we crave meat at birth, put meat and vegetables infront of any baby and it will almost always pick the meat
I dont think so. Humans arent natural carnivores but opportunistic omnivores. In the absence of other food, humans can eat meat to survive. Regardless, these arguments of what's natural or what our ancestors ate are irrelevant. The real issue is of animal welfare/suffering.
literal other way around, we primarily eat meat and eat other things in times of desperation
If humans primarily ate meat, we wouldnt have evolved such long intestinal length similar to what other herbivores have.

"The length of an animal's intestines is related to its diet and how quickly it needs to pass food through its body"

"Carnivores have shorter intestines because meat is easy to digest and passes through their bodies quickly. For example, tigers and lions have an intestinal length of 3–7 feet."

"Humans have longer intestines than carnivores of similar size, which allows the body more time to break down fiber and absorb nutrients from plant-based foods. "
If humans primarily ate meat, we wouldnt have evolved such long intestinal length similar to what other herbivores have.

"The length of an animal's intestines is related to its diet and how quickly it needs to pass food through its body"

"Carnivores have shorter intestines because meat is easy to digest and passes through their bodies quickly. For example, tigers and lions have an intestinal length of 3–7 feet."

"Humans have longer intestines than carnivores of similar size, which allows the body more time to break down fiber and absorb nutrients from plant-based foods. "
there's research that suggest meat literally made us human jfl
NPC conditioning. The "Food pyramid" Is a lie we get taught since childhood. Same with...
"MuH BrEaKfAsT Is ThE MoSt ImPoRtAnT MeAl Of ThE DaY!"
the saying "you can't have your cake and eat it too" perfectly describes most animal lovers, you niggers can see a video of a pig getting brutally killed and be like muh hehe vegan triggered it's just food bro stop being a baby bro but then cry about dog abuse, vegans actually have my respect (unless they're claiming it's healthier than a normal diet), at least they stand up for what they believe in and do not make exceptions
It's because dogs look "Cuter" Than cows or pigs. It's just lookism. it's too why cruelty towards insects & fish is normalized as fuck.
It's because dogs look "Cuter" Than cows or pigs. It's just lookism. it's too why cruelty towards insects & fish is normalized as fuck.
meat eatertards would eat everything under the sun and laugh at vegans for being "easily triggered" but cry the moment anything bad happens to a dog
That’s why most conventional vegan arguments don’t work on an enlightened meat eater. The rest of meat eaters that are technically omnivores or cooked carnivores are retarded
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