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muh eat good and get lots of sleep is a meme

I dont get the point tbh. Some people smoke all their lives and dont get cancer. But the average person will increase his risk of getting oral/lung cancer by smoking. Similarly eating well and good sleep are necessary for growth. The body produces HGH when you are in deep sleep.
You can take HGH as much as you want and there's still not a guarantee you will grow. Messi peaked at 5'7 (although you can see the effects of it on his skull & bodily development, his bones are quite thick - the caveat is that the skull has a chance to grow wrong and the proportions can be affected). Genetics are pretty much everything. In his family tree, the people are also very short on average, so even with the next gen medicine/intervention his chances of growing tall would've been quite slim

I'm in the same spot (somewhat) in terms of height on family tree. Only my father & uncle were my height or taller than me, even then not by much. Everyone else was either shorter or a genuine dwarf (no, I'm not kidding). Background of village "peasants" and such
Yes, you can inhibit estrogen as much as you want, but the active process in which your (leg, and spine I guess) bones form new cells will just simply not happen if it wasn't meant to be. On top of having weaak cartilages and a bunch of other crap issues due to a forcefully "prolonged" puberty

There's also issues you run into when your E (and its derivatives) reach quite litearlly 0. And they're not only on the mental side of things
until the age of like 12 i basically never used to drink water jfl, strictly soda and juice, i drink much more water now but i still drink lots of soda and stuff, i regularly eat junk food, fast food etc
That wouldn't inhibt ur growth ?
That wouldn't inhibt ur growth ?
potentially, since junk food is usually low in nutrition which is obviously needed to grow, but again it seems that not be the case since i ate like this my whole life and i'm fairly tall
Yes, you can inhibit estrogen as much as you want, but the active process in which your (leg, and spine I guess) bones form new cells will just simply not happen if it wasn't meant to be. On top of having weaak cartilages and a bunch of other crap issues due to a forcefully "prolonged" puberty

There's also issues you run into when your E (and its derivatives) reach quite litearlly 0. And they're not only on the mental side of things
i discussed this somewhere else and no one understood, estrogen isn't a bad thing, it is a normal hormone afterall we need need an equal balance of it, your estrogen shouldn't be too high nor too low, that's why a lot of body builders highly do not advise to use E blockers unless you 100% know what your doing, cortisol is your enemy more than estrogen, in my case i think i might have gyno so yea i actually do need shit like E blockers, but if you don't sit down all day and eat goyslop your probably fine
You can take HGH as much as you want and there's still not a guarantee you will grow. Messi peaked at 5'7 (although you can see the effects of it on his skull & bodily development, his bones are quite thick - the caveat is that the skull has a chance to grow wrong and the proportions can be affected). Genetics are pretty much everything. In his family tree, the people are also very short on average, so even with the next gen medicine/intervention his chances of growing tall would've been quite slim

I'm in the same spot (somewhat) in terms of height on family tree. Only my father & uncle were my height or taller than me, even then not by much. Everyone else was either shorter or a genuine dwarf (no, I'm not kidding). Background of village "peasants" and such
Sure. But the other aspect of it is when you have the genetics but limit HGH. That can also have an impact. Most malnourished people dont reach their genetic potential.
potentially, since junk food is usually low in nutrition which is obviously needed to grow, but again it seems that not be the case since i ate like this my whole life and i'm fairly tall
I dont think your body cares if its junk or not from a growth perspective. As long as you get sufficient proteins, carbs and fats, your body will grow. The other stuff matters more for longevity and health.
High igf-1 in diets with high amounts of junk food tho
ik. i'm just talking about what normies and people in general THINK makes you taller, that's the whole point of the thread, i do none of the things people say make you grow taller, besides eating a lot ig
ik. i'm just talking about what normies and people in general THINK makes you taller, that's the whole point of the thread, i do none of the things people say make you grow taller, besides eating a lot ig
If you’re talking about normies that makes sense then, most are clueless when it comes to nutrition
If you’re talking about normies that makes sense then, most are clueless when it comes to nutrition
nah most incels and black pillers are also misinformed about nutrition and health tbh, these dudes think if you do one pussy cycle of test you become ronnie coleman
nah most incels and black pillers are also misinformed about nutrition and health tbh, these dudes think if you do one pussy cycle of test you become ronnie coleman
Also true, but I’ve seen more people in blackpill understand nutrition than normies based off percentage. A good amount are still misinformed like you said
ik. i'm just talking about what normies and people in general THINK makes you taller, that's the whole point of the thread, i do none of the things people say make you grow taller, besides eating a lot ig
Perhaps you are misinformed on what makes men tall. Your genetics set the limit, nutrition is still needed to reach that potential.
If you are debunking what idiots believe, there is no point to it. You are saying normies think you need good nutrition and sleep to be tall, you dont do any of that and yet you are tall. Firstly you do need food and sleep to grow. You cannot grow otherwise. Whatever you call junk may not be high quality nutrition but it still is. And what you describe as 'terrible sleep' may not be as bad as you describe.
Perhaps you are misinformed on what makes men tall. Your genetics set the limit, nutrition is still needed to reach that potential.
i know, but the role of nutrition isn't as important in the grand scheme of things, tall people were gonna end up tall regardless of their diet, same goes for manlets, if they had done everything right nutritionally they'd probably be around the same height, it's just that a lot of these dudes cope so they can sleep at night thinking "oh i might be subhuman but it's because i never knew about looksmaxing at 15 brooooooo", it's like how dirtycurrycel copes that if he was born in the west he'd be tall and good looking
Perhaps you are misinformed on what makes men tall. Your genetics set the limit, nutrition is still needed to reach that potential.
This tbh. Thats why I see children who were born to Immigrant parents that were short, grow to be 6 foot plus.

The westoid diet and abundance of food allowed them to grow to their genetic height limit. They probably wouldn't be as tall if they were born In the country Their parents came from.
This tbh. Thats why I see children who were born to Immigrant parents that were short, grow to be 6 foot plus.

The westoid diet and abundance of food allowed them to their genetic height limit. They probably wouldn't be as tall if they were born In the country Their parents came from.
Its a simple concept really, most people dont get it. The same applies to IQ too. Most humans were low IQ not because we were genetically dumb but because of our environment.
Sure. But the other aspect of it is when you have the genetics but limit HGH. That can also have an impact. Most malnourished people dont reach their genetic potential.
What % of people in the West do you think is malnourished enough to cause height growth problems?

I'd say it's very small. Even homeless beggars in burgerland are bordering on class 1 obesity from all the handouts

Food just simply isn't an issue
This tbh. Thats why I see children who were born to Immigrant parents that were short, grow to be 6 foot plus.

The westoid diet and abundance of food allowed them to grow to their genetic height limit. They probably wouldn't be as tall if they were born In the country Their parents came from.
Can you provide a study for this claim?

This sounds like bias to me
What % of people in the West do you think is malnourished enough to cause height growth problems?

I'd say it's very small. Even homeless beggars in burgerland are bordering on class 1 obesity from all the handouts

Food just simply isn't an issue
I know it's not, but I was making that point cause OP stated it doesn't matter.
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