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my mom doesn't want me around pajeets

The priority is that you don't get killed/robbed rather than have the chance to get plague or some other infectious disease

Speaking strictly from the POV of the guy that comes in contact with such a stranger, of course. I doubt anyone cared enough about germs considering how surgery was performed up until the modern era (50s and beyond) and other standards as far as cleanliness goes
I didnt mean people consciously worried about germs. Iam saying our innate hatred or fear of other tribes was evolved due to the deadly consequences of intermingling.
What about muslims? Jfl
she doesn't let me hang around jeets cause muh hinduism is demonic and they will try to put evil shit on me to curse me or something like that, it sucks honestly cause some indian families have been really kind to me, there's this indian foid my cousin hangs out with a lot and her family kinda accepted him as their own, i visit them sometimes with him, they're just so nice but my mom says not to cause they're hindus, there was also another time i visited one of my currycel friends from school to do an assignment and my mom said to not go there cause again they're hindus even though they were really nice to me, but my mom isn't alone in this, blacks where i live in general just see hinduism as bad and avoid it at all costs, a lot of self hating pajeet jbs hate it too i've noticed
Kinda relatable.
I am a Muslim jeet, my mom has soem sort of hatred for Hindu jeets and tells my siblings and I to stay away from them.
Anywyas Hindus have been nice to me tbh so idc.
That's kind of lame, Hinduism.is the least demonic of all religions today. Iam not religious though
Fraudest religion tbh , not even original. And fairy unrealistic shit put up with historical text of ancient civilizations and kingdoms . And mostly all polytheist religions are kinda demonic
You're just tiptoeing around the fact that Hinduism is the oldest religion and hence cannot be unoriginal. Its the OG religion.

Indus Vedic faith
The Indus Vedic faith is still prevalent today among most Pakistani Hindus and the Kalash. From information gathered in the Rig Veda, Vedic society during this period was pastoral and centered in the Indus Valley in a few dozen kingdoms such as the Sindhu, Kashmira, Gandhara and Kamboja to name a few. The hymns composed by Vedic mystics/poets in Saptha Sindhu (Punjab) tell of a society which starkly differs from what we know as "Hinduism" today. For example, the Vedic people ate beef, buried their dead, and had no idols and no caste system. In fact, the Vedas forbade idolatry and the term “varna” (caste) is nowhere to be found.

“There is no evidence in the Vedas for an elaborate, much-subdivided and overarching caste system,” Joel Brereton, a professor of Sanskrit and Religious studies, states.

“The Vedic society was neither organized on the basis of social division of labour nor on that of differences in wealth,” Ram Sharan Sharma, an eminent historian and academic of Ancient and early Medieval India, states. “… [it] was primarily organized on the basis of kin, tribe and lineage.”

The Vedic gods mentioned in the Vedas are also starkly different what we consider “modern Hindu gods” today. The Vedic gods are the most important differentiating factor – they were mainly adopted from the Indo-European beliefs of Bactria-Margiana and Harappan beliefs. They also show a striking similarity to the Avestan Zoroastrianism gods, and its derivatives Mithraism, Saurism, Manichaeism) and local Harappan beliefs.
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